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Mendenhall River flooding update: regular debris collection wraps up September 30

September 19, 2024 – News

Over the past two months, CBJ and Alaska DOT&PF crews have collected over 700 tons of disaster-related debris from residents affected by the August 6 glacial lake outburst flood event. We want to thank all of the staff, volunteers, and community members who made this process run smoothly to help affected residents clear these materials from their homes and the right-of-way.

CBJ crews have seen a major reduction in the volume of flood-damaged debris requiring collection. With that in mind, Friday, September 30 will be the last day CBJ will be doing routine debris collection. Please move all flood-related waste to the right-of-way for collection and email floodresponse@juneau.gov to have your items collected before September 30.

If you are working with a contractor to remove construction and demolition waste (such as flooring and drywall) after that date, please ask them to contact floodresponse@juneau.gov, and CBJ staff may collect these items on a case-by-case basis.

For questions, please contact floodresponse@juneau.gov.