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Reminder: file to run in 2024 municipal election by Monday

July 19, 2024 – News

The 2024 City and Borough of Juneau Regular Municipal Election candidate filing period closes Monday, July 22, at 4:30 p.m. All candidate filings must be submitted in person at the Municipal Clerk’s office located on the second floor of City Hall (155 Heritage Way, Room 214).

Please note that all filing paperwork—including a nominating petition signed by 25 Juneau voters—must be complete by this time. Candidates are encouraged to review filing guidelines with the Clerk’s Office and to file as early as possible to allow time for any necessary corrections.

This fall, Juneau voters will elect a Mayor, two Assembly members and three Board of Education (School Board) members. The current list of candidates who have been certified to run is available at juneau.org/clerk/elections/clerk-certified-municipal-candidates-2024. The list is regularly updated.

Open Seats

The following seats are open in this election:

Mayor and Assembly

The Mayor’s seat will be open for a full three-year term. Candidates may reside anywhere in the City and Borough of Juneau.

One District 1 Assembly seat will be open for a full three-year term. Residents of Downtown Juneau, Douglas, North Douglas, Lemon Creek and the Airport area are eligible to run for District 1.

One District 2 Assembly seat will be open for a full three-year term. Residents of Mendenhall Valley and Out the Road are eligible to run for District 2.

Assembly members are term-limited to a maximum of three consecutive three-year terms, after which they must step down for a minimum of one year before they are eligible to run again for Assembly. All Juneau area voters may vote for all races on the ballot.

View a map of Assembly districts.

Board of Education

Three Board of Education seats will be open in this election. All Juneau voters may vote for up to three candidates.

Board of Education candidates may reside anywhere in the City and Borough of Juneau. There are no term limits for Board of Education members.

How to File

Candidates running for office must complete a Declaration of Candidacy, a Nominating Petition, and an Alaska Public Offices Commission (APOC) Public Official Financial Disclosure form. These forms are available online at juneau.org/clerk/elections and must be filed with the CBJ Municipal Clerk’s Office during the filing period.

Declaration of Candidacy and Nominating Petition forms must be submitted to the Clerk in their original paper form (with original signatures and notarized); the Public Official Financial Disclosure form must be filed electronically on APOC’s website and a signed printed copy submitted to the Clerk. The Clerk’s Office cannot certify a candidate’s nominating petition without these three paper documents filed in the Clerk’s Office by the close of the filing period on Monday, July 22 at 4:30 p.m.

Candidates for office must meet eligibility criteria including voter registration and residency requirements. For detailed information, see the Declaration of Candidacy forms for Mayor, Assembly, or Board of Education. Eligibility criteria for Mayor, Assembly and Board of Education candidates differ, so please be sure to check the correct form.

Please note that candidates may only run for one elected office (Mayor, Assembly, or Board of Education) at a time.