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Eaglecrest Planning Committee Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, September 26

September 25, 2024 – FYI

The Eaglecrest Planning Committee will hold a Zoom-only meeting on Thursday, September 26, at 5:30 p.m.

The main topics of discussion during the Planning Committee meeting will be a review of the proposed Bylaw changes and Draft Ordinance 2024-24 An Ordinance Modernizing the Eaglecrest Ski Area Board of Directors Authority.

The meeting packet is now available online at juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com/bc-eb/page/eaglecrest-planning-meeting and the Zoom information is listed below:

Link: https://juneau.zoom.us/j/95868404247?pwd=dU9kU20xRkk5YmNVcnFhN28zS2lUZz09
Meeting ID: 958 6840 4247
Passcode: 355344

Anyone wishing to submit comments to the Eaglecrest board is welcome to do so via email at eaglecrestboard@juneau.gov.
For questions, please contact Erin Lupro, Eaglecrest Interim General Manager, at Erin.Lupro@skieaglecrest.com or 907-790-2000 ext. 4296